Title: No Dogs Allowed! Author: Linda Ashman Illustrator: Kristin Sorra
Book Length: 32 Pages
Category of Book: Texas 2x2 Reading List
Ashman, L. (2011). No dogs allowed! (K. Sorra, Illustrator). New York,NY: Sterling Publishing Co., INC.
Genre/Type: Picture Book, Comedy
The story "No Dogs Allowed!" is told predominately through pictures. The author and illustrator worked together to create a story that is outrageously funny. "Now Dogs Allowed!" is about a world where people try to take their animals into a nice restaurant with them to eat a meal. A young boy tries to eat at "Alberto's City Lights Restaurant" and is turned away when Alberto erases the "welcome" sign and replaces it with a "no dogs allowed" sign. The story continues to unravel as different customers approach the restaurant with a variety of different animals, all being turned away from the restaurant. Alberto slowly comes to realize that in order to be successful, he must find a way to create a restaurant where everyone is welcome.
Awards: 2012 Texas 2x2 Reading List
How does this book relate to young children?
"No Dogs Allowed!" is told through pictures with little dialogue, because of this, young children are able to be successful reading it on their own. They are also able to imagine what is going on through the pictures. The book relates to young children in the fact that it is told with a child like imagination and all children can relate to these types of thoughts.
How would you share/use this book with young children?
I would use this book to introduce the children to books. It is a simple book where the children can imagine from the pictures what is going on, and the child does not have to have a major grasp on reading in order to understand it. I think it would be a great way to help struggling readers gain confidence with their reading.
Title: "Dog in Boots" Author: Greg Gormley Illustrator: Roberta Angaramo
Book Length: 32 pages
Category of Book:Texas 2x2 Reading List
Gormley, G. (2011). Dog in boots (R. Angaramo, Illustrator). (1st ed.). London, England: Gullane Children's Books.
Genre/Type:Picture Book/ Fantasy/Comedy
Summary: This story follows Dog, a loveable puppy who loves to read, as he tries to find the perfect shoes for himself. When Dog finishes reading "Puss in Boots" he decides that he needs some magnificent boots to help him be as amazing as Puss. Dog runs down to the shoe store to buy shoes, when he gets home he realizes just how restricting different types of shoes can be. He goes through pair after pair until he finally realizes that they best shoes for him are the ones he already had: his paws. The text is great and the illustrations are absolutely amazing. The bright colors, the cute pictures and the story itself all go together to create a cute, interesting, and creative book that children and parents alike will love.
Awards: Texas 2x2 Reading List
How does this book relate to young children?
This book relates to children because they are like Dog. Children will read books and want to be like the main character in the book and will do everything to imitatie the character. This book allows for them to see that just because something works for one person (or animal) that doesn't mean that it will work for you. Everyone is different for a reason and you should use the talents that you have been given.
How would you share/use this book with young children?
This book would be great for a classroom read-aloud. The brightly colored pictures will keep the students interested in following along and they will laugh out loud at some of the situations Dog gets into with his shoes. The text will keep the students interest because of the dialogue the teacher or parent can read aloud in different voices. Over all, this is a great book that can be used in many contexts to draw students in to reading and loving books.
Read more about "Dog in Boots" on Goodreads
Order it now at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Indiebound, or The Book DepositoryFor more information on "No Dogs Allowed!", follow the following links to Goodreads and
Linda Ashman's website
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Title: Rrralph Author and Illustrator: Lois Ehlert
Book Length: 40 Pages
Category of Book:Texas 2x2 Reading List
Ehlert, L. (2011). Rrralph. New York,NY: Beach Lane Books.
Genre/Type:Picture Book, Fiction
Summary: This story is about a talking dog. The narrator asks the dog different questions to which to dog answers with different animal noises that can be interpreted as human words.
Awards:Texas 2x2 Reading List
How does this book relate to young children?
This book can relate to children in how they develop close relationships with their pets. They talk to them often and wish they would speak back to them. In this story, the dog is able to talk and what child doesn't wish that were true?
How would you share/use this book with young children?
I would use it to explore the creative side of a child. The illustrations are created from different types of materials placed together to create an object. The dog's nose is made from a coke can tab, the teeth are made from a zipper, etc. I think it would be great to read this story, show the pictures and have a conversation about the different items used to create the pictures. Then, after the conversation, I would give the students random objects and have them create another page that could fit into the story line of Rrralph.
Title: The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man Author: Michael Chabon Illustrator: Jake Parker
Book Length: 40 Pages
Category of Book: Texas 2x2 Reading List
Chabon, M. (2011). The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man (J. Parker, Illustrator). New York,NY: Balzer Bray.
Genre/Type: Picture Book, Fantasy, Fiction, Action and Adventure
Summary: Awesome Man is a superhero with a secret identity. He flies around the world, shoots positronic rays out of his eyeballs, and fights evil super villains, all while maintaining his biggest secret.
Awards:Texas 2x2 Reading List and has been nominated for the 2013-2014 South Carolina Picture Book Award.
How does this book relate to young children?
Awesome man talks about all of his exciting powers but he also explains how he gets angry or frustrated and talks about how he cannot go out and hit things or throw things around. I think this is a good lesson for children. Instead of yelling, kicking, and screaming when they are frustrated or don't get what they want, they need to think of Awesome Man and handle their feelings in a way where no one gets hurt and give themselves time to calm down (a cooling off period). It also teaches children that it is okay to dream big.
How would you share/use this book with young children?
This would be a fun book to read to a child and have them guess the upcoming series of events. Use different questioning techniques to have them decide what Awesome Man will do next. Also, have them guess his secret. In the middle of the story, Awesome Man talks about changing into his secret identity and asks if the reader sees him. Ask the children which person they think is Awesome Man and have them back up their responses with information given throughout the book.
Title: Pip & Squeak Author and Illustrator: Ian Schoenherr
Book Length: 28 Pages
Category of Book: Texas 2x2 Reading List
Schoenherr, I. (2007). Pip & squeak. New York, NY: Greenwillow Books.
Genre/Type: Picture Book, Fiction, Animal Story
Summary: Two mice go to a friends birthday party but they leave the gift at home. The book follows the two mice, Pip and Squeak, as they try to find a new gift for their friend Gus. The illustrations are gorgeous and large within this book. The pictures take up the entire page so children will have no problem seeing the scenes that go along with the text during a read aloud.
Awards: A Junior Library Guild Premier Selection and Texas 2x2 Reading List
How does this book relate to young children?
It is a cute, quirky story about two mice that get into funny situations trying to find a birthday gift for their friend. All children have been through the situation of trying to decide what to get a friend for their birthday, so they will enjoy the humor that goes along with this book.
How would you share/use this book with young children?
This is a great book for preschool students. It is funny, with great pictures and students can point out things that they see happening in the pictures. There is a lot of questions that can be asked by the adult reading. Examples of the questions could be "what kind of animal do you think Gus is?" "What is the orange thing that Squeak rushes up to get from the snow man?". You could also ask the students what they think will happen next.
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